Brown Cow

School Life

How long will my child take to settle in?

Children quickly adjust to the School. They are nurtured and cared for in an environment which supports and encourages the gregarious child as much as the shy child, so that both may continue to grow in courage and confidence. The school is full of happy, purposeful children.

What will they achieve?

By the time they leave us, the children have matured and gained in confidence and acquired the knowledge, skills and understanding that will take them comfortable into the next stage of their schooling. The vast majority of our children move on to excellent local grammar schools or independent senior schools.

Setting boundaries

We recognise that, as adults, it is our duty to set firm boundaries for good behaviour. From the early years upwards, high quality, caring teachers ensure that children understand what is expected and that they are prepared for the sometimes difficult choices which they may have to make as they grow older.

Chesham Preparatory School children are encouraged to enjoy their successes and celebrate their achievements in many ways: House Points, Headteacher’s Awards, Cups and Certificates, displays of work and public acknowledgement of successes in our School Bulletin.

Educational Theory

There are many theories of education but the key to identifying and unleashing talent is to provide children with enriched experiences which will allow them to discover where their own talent, capabilities and potential lie. It is our belief that all children need love, guidance and consistency, and that they should be rewarded for real effort and achievement.


We believe that children should be educated together in a co-educational environment during the formative and early years of their education. This environment allows boys and girls to grow up alongside each other and develop an understanding and a greater respect for the other.

School Communication

The school has efficient systems of communication. There is always someone who is accessible and who you can talk to. Satisfying parent/school relationships make all the difference to the school experience for everyone concerned. A good home-school partnership has a positive effect on the well-being of learners of all ages.


As partners in education, we hope that you will work with us and support us in deciding what is in your child’s best interest. If your child makes and mistake and learns from it, we view that as a success. We hope parents will encourage their child, praise them for a job well done, and not be afraid to point out when they could have done better.

Flying the Nest

Self- esteem and confidence are the most important predictors of future success. Self-esteem comes from being aware of your responsibilities as well as your rights. Chesham Preparatory School children are encouraged to be confident but, at the same time, to be humble, tolerant and respectful of others. Children have a positive outlook and are willing to try again, if, at first, they don’t succeed.

Chesham Preparatory School
Register today for our Open Morning Events

Open Mornings – Friday 7th and Saturday 8th March – 9am – 11am 

We would be delighted to welcome you and your family to our school for a guided tour by our boys and girls followed by an opportunity to meet with our Headmaster, Mr Jonathan Beale, and our teaching staff.

Please register here for your preferred date and time.

On Friday 14th March we are also holding a fun Sporty Stay and Play for  2 1/2 – 4 year olds – register here to join us.