
At CPS, we aim to provide every child with the opportunity to discover music for themselves, to explore diverse musical worlds and to embark upon their own individual journey in ways which are appropriate and stimulating.

Instrumental players are invited to participate in the school orchestra after approximately one year’s tuition or after their grade 1 examination should they choose the examination route. All are welcome whether they receive tuition in or out of the school setting. The orchestra work together each week after school on a varied repertoire of material arranged and differentiated to cater for the individual needs and level of the players.

Many children in Year 5 and above choose to team up with peers in order to form their own bands. Some work on cover versions of pop material while others prefer to create original composition. A timetable is organised throughout the week when pupils make use of the music areas during lunch and break sessions. When possible these bands go on to perform in assemblies or at soirees.


Over recent years the choral work at CPS has flourished and we now enjoy extra-curricular vocal training from Year 1 to Year 6 in addition to the singing that goes on in classroom music lessons. The Junior Choir for Years 1 and 2 children is open to all pupils with no audition requirement. These singers meet once a week to rehearse.

Further up the school, there is a Training Choir to enable children in Years 3 and 4 to continue to develop their choral skills and prepare for concert platforms at various stages of the school year. Again,  no audition is required to be a member of this group.

Finally, the Senior Choir selects children from Years 5-6 and these children go on to greater challenges and exacting standards of choral excellence are striven for. These pupils rehearse three times a week; two early morning sessions and one rehearsal after school. The Senior Choir performs regularly; they are involved in school concerts and soirees, festivals both local and national, charity fund raising events and occasionally have been invited to perform at weddings and other celebratory occasions.

Instrumental/Vocal Lessons

Children can begin to take additional individual/small group instrumental lessons from Year 3 upwards dependent on individual suitability. Strings, woodwind, brass and tuned percussion are available as well as guitar, drum kit,  and vocal lessons at this point. The school has many instrumental/vocal teachers who visit each week and are involved in soirees, concerts and ensemble teaching throughout the year.

Music Facilities

Chesham Prep has a purpose built Music Suite with a generous class teaching space flexible enough to be transformed into a more intimate performing area. In addition, the Suite has a keyboard room and two practice rooms adjacent to the main teaching space. Four further practice rooms are available for individual/group tuition. The Adlington Hall is the larger assembly venue which provides our platform for our termly concerts and other larger events.

Chesham Preparatory School
Register today for our Open Morning Events

Open Mornings – Friday 7th and Saturday 8th March – 9am – 11am 

We would be delighted to welcome you and your family to our school for a guided tour by our boys and girls followed by an opportunity to meet with our Headmaster, Mr Jonathan Beale, and our teaching staff.

Please register here for your preferred date and time.

On Friday 14th March we are also holding a fun Sporty Stay and Play for  2 1/2 – 4 year olds – register here to join us.