Transition from Year 2-3

Year 2 / 3 Transition Information

The emphasis in Year 3 is on growing independence and responsibility both in school and when completing homework.  The pupils spend the majority of their day with their class teacher for the core and most foundation subjects, whilst enjoying the opportunity to move to specialist rooms to be taught by individual subject teachers for Computing, French, Spanish, Music and Games. They will be encouraged to develop more independent learning skills, with greater expectations for homework. The school day is extended and will end at 4.00pm.

The Year 3 teachers work very closely together to provide an exciting and challenging curriculum. Every opportunity is taken to engage the children in their learning. Effort is highly regarded and good progress is celebrated through house points.

After School Clubs

These take place every day after school.

4.10 – 5.00 Club*

4.00 – 6.00 Late Club*

There are a range of clubs on offer and a choices sheet is sent out to you in preparation for each term. As Year 3 children have a slightly longer day than those in Year 2 a suggestion is that they do only 1or 2 clubs in the Autumn Term or, you may wish to leave any after school activity until you feel your child is more able to cope with the longer day.

*Please note that some clubs incur a charge, as does Late Club.


In addition to the Parent Consultation evenings which take place in the Autumn and Spring terms, full reports which are sent out at the end of the Autumn and Summer terms. Grades are also sent out termly. These let you know how much effort your child is making with individual subjects and their general attitude.

End of the day

Please meet your children in the playground by the dining room. If your child has a club please meet them in the playground nearest to where the club has taken place. Children in Years 3 and 4 are not allowed to wait or walk across the car park without an adult.


Homework will be set on Google Classroom and a homework timetable will be sent out at the beginning of term.


All children from Year One are in a school house (Aylward –red, Columbus – blue, Nightingale – yellow, Stevenson – green). When your child earns a house point (for good or improved work, manners, kindness, helpfulness, thoughtfulness or exemplary behaviour) it will be added to their house total each week and they can continue to earn certificates for their efforts. Inter-house competitions also earn points for the houses. These totals are totted up each week and announced in Assembly. At the end of each half term the winning house is celebrated in the final Assembly.

Instrumental lessons

You will receive information about instrumental lessons. Timetables for music lessons are on display on the boards outside the music practice rooms. Initially, the children will receive guidance getting to their instrumental lesson from their class teacher and or the instrumental teacher. This said, it is extremely helpful if your child tries to remember when their lesson is taking place and whether it needs to be changed for a fixture.

Kiss and Drop

We are sure most of you know, the car park is very busy in the mornings. You may well have seen our current Year 3 children and parents making use of the kiss and drop approach. This works very well and often parents are surprised by how easily their children take this routine on board. Many children enjoy coming into school  this way as it is often what their friends do and is something they associate with being more grown up. It also encourages them to be independent and take responsibility for themselves. For health and safety reasons it is important that no person should enter the school buildings before the morning bell unless they have permission of the class teacher.

Please provide:         

  • A flat pencil case (that can fit inside the tray, named and not tin)
  • Colouring crayons (named)
  • Canister style pencil sharpener

(No geometry sets please)

We provide a pencil, 30cm ruler, rubber and glue stick for each child however your child is very welcome to bring in their own. Please ensure that all equipment is named.

Reading books

All children will bring home a reading book to be read to an adult every day. A Reading Record Book will be provided to keep track of the books your child reads and pages they have read in a session.

Swimming for Year 3

Year 3 have weekly swimming lessons that take place in the school pool. Please see the uniform list for details on swim wear.


School day – 8:30am – 4:00pm.

Early Morning Club 8.00am – 8.30am in the Dining Room.

It is very important that children come straight to the dining room with their belongings. It can be tempting to encourage them to put belongings in their cloakroom or classroom in an effort to be organised but please do not do this as we do not allow children in cloakrooms or classrooms unless they have sought permission from a member of staff. This is to make sure that children are somewhere with adequate staff supervision where we can look after them. They may leave their bags on the wall outside the dining room to collect on their way to their form at 8.30am. Later in the year when the children are allowed to go and play on the astro-turf first thing in the morning, they may leave their bags outside the dining room or outside Year 2 on the walls to collect before going for registration.


All the Year 3 teachers liaise at length with the Year 2 teachers to ensure that we continue their good practice and ensure that your child’s needs are met.  Our aim is that your child is happy with friends and in a class, which will enable them to learn.

Games lessons for Year 3

P.E       Tennis, gymnastics, tag rugby, hockey, dance and athletics

Games Boys – Rugby (term 1)

Football (term 2)

Cricket (term 3)

Games Girls – Hockey (term 1)

Netball (term 2)

Cricket (term 3)

Please ensure that all kit is labelled. Occasionally clothes are temporarily lost and will find their way back to you more quickly if each item is labelled.

It is best to bring all kit in the Games bag in to school on Monday then take it home at the end of the week or, if appropriate during the week to wash it. In the colder months the kit can become wet and muddy, therefore will need washing mid-week.  Also, please provide spare underwear in the kit bag just in case they get wet on the field due to rain or mud. It is essential that the kit is clean for matches.

How you can support your child

  • Be positive, encourage and praise.
  • Hear your child read regularly.
  • Read a bedtime story to your child whenever possible.
  • Help your child learn how to tie laces and knot ties.
  • Verbal games in the car – I spy, Granny goes to market (for memory), maths questions, times tables, spellings – fun activities etc.
  • Play board games.
  • Encourage children’s imaginative play.
  • Please check your child’s book bag on a daily basis.
  • Encourage good manners especially at the table.
  • Allow time and space for your child to do their homework independently.
  • If your child is tired at the end of a day at school do not worry about making them read – let them have an early night and relax!
  • Regular visits to the library.
  • Praise, praise, praise!
  • Encourage, encourage, encourage!
  • Enjoy your children and have fun!
Chesham Preparatory School
Register today for our Stay and Play and Open Morning Events

Open Mornings – Friday 4th and Saturday 5th October – 9am – 11am 

We would be delighted to welcome you and your family to our school for a guided tour by our boys and girls followed by an opportunity to meet with our Headmaster, Mr Jonathan Beale, and our teaching staff.

Please register here for your preferred date and time.

Forest School Stay and Play – Friday 27th September – 9.30am – 11am

We would also like to invite children aged 2 1/2 to 4 years and their parents to our wonderful Forest School for a  Stay and Play session on Friday 27th September from 9.30am to 11am.

Register Here