ISI Report

Following on from our ISI Inspection in September 2021, I am absolutely delighted to publish the final copy of our inspection report.

Inspections are always a valuable exercise and this was no exception. The children, as ever, responded wonderfully well in all respects. I am particularly grateful to all those who responded to ISI’s questionnaire, the results of which were overwhelmingly positive. The governors, staff and I are very grateful indeed for the strength of your continuing support.

As you would expect, the inspection team found a school full of eager and motivated pupils, dedicated staff and a strong school community. It was a pleasure to read the abundance of positive comments in the report: ‘Pupils’ knowledge and understanding reflect the impact of the enthusiastic and often dynamic teaching.’; ‘The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.’; ‘Pupils’ communication skills are strong. Pupils are articulate, speak clearly and express their thoughts, opinions and ideas confidently from a young age.’; ‘Pupils’ positive attitudes result from the way staff genuinely care about their pupils and actively model enthusiasm and mutual respect.’

The inspectors rightly commended the excellence of the pupils’ attitude to learning, their strong desire to learn, their personal development, their sense of community and their academic, cultural and sporting achievements. I hope you agree that the report also captured the essence of School’s strength when it highlighted the tangible positivity of, and the excellence of the relationships between, children and staff.

I hope you will enjoy reading it and I would like to thank and congratulate each and every member of our talented staff for working with such dedication, professionalism and teamwork towards this amazing outcome. I would also like to thank our Governors, parents and of course our wonderful children for helping us to achieve this success.

I look forward to working with colleagues and governors on further action plans following the report which, of course, gives us a tremendous mandate to build on in the next phase of the school’s development.

Jonathan Beale

To view a copy of the ISI Report click below

Chesham Preparatory School
Register today for our Open Morning Events

Open Mornings – Friday 7th and Saturday 8th March – 9am – 11am 

We would be delighted to welcome you and your family to our school for a guided tour by our boys and girls followed by an opportunity to meet with our Headmaster, Mr Jonathan Beale, and our teaching staff.

Please register here for your preferred date and time.

On Friday 14th March we are also holding a fun Sporty Stay and Play for  2 1/2 – 4 year olds – register here to join us.