
Keeping our Children Safe at Chesham Prep

Child Protection Guidance and Safe Working Practice

All children have the right to grow up safe from harm. No child should experience harm, either at home or in school. Everyone who works at Chesham Prep School has a responsibility to make sure that all our children are safe.

Whilst safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, we do also have a trained Safeguarding Team:

The DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs Hilary Rudol is responsible for child protection at Chesham Prep.

They are the person that should be contacted if there are concerns about the safety of a pupil.

Concerns will  be investigated in accordance with the school’s Child Protection Framework policy here.

Complaints can be logged according to our Complaints Policy and Procedures Policy here.

All visitors are asked to:

  • wear a lanyard at all times so that we know they have signed in and  are authorised to be in school.
  • not use mobile phones whilst in school for any reason.
  • report anything at all relating to the Safeguarding of children that is concerning to the DSL.


Mr Ben Cartledge is the Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding.

Deputy Safeguarding leads are:

  • Mr Jonathan Beale, Headmaster
  • Mr James Bateson, Deputy Head
  • Mr Martin Cook, Head of Senior School
  • Mrs Alex Thomas, Head of Junior School


Excellent systems are in place to ensure that the personal development of pupils is at the forefront of their education. Pupils are encouraged to express their concerns or worries though a soft toy; they post their worries into its mouth, in the knowledge that a teacher will read the message and respond with support.

ISI Report 2016
Chesham Preparatory School
Register today for our Open Morning Events

Open Mornings – Friday 7th and Saturday 8th March – 9am – 11am 

We would be delighted to welcome you and your family to our school for a guided tour by our boys and girls followed by an opportunity to meet with our Headmaster, Mr Jonathan Beale, and our teaching staff.

Please register here for your preferred date and time.

On Friday 14th March we are also holding a fun Sporty Stay and Play for  2 1/2 – 4 year olds – register here to join us.