Welcome to the Senior School

Welcome to the Senior School

From its early beginnings in 1938, Chesham Prep has always combined a friendly, family atmosphere with a top-quality, broad-based education for pupils aged 3-11. We teach children to be forward thinking, adaptable, and independent and they grow into confident individuals with excellent social skills, with a strong moral awareness and a good understanding of core values. We aim to equip them with the skills and experiences with which to discover and develop their talents, allowing them the greatest range of options for their futures.

Happy children thrive. At Chesham Prep the staff will encourage every pupil not only to meet his or her potential but also to exceed it. Life in the Senior School provides exciting opportunities for pupils to develop positive patterns of learning at an influential time in their development.

Our broad curriculum and wide range of extra-curricular activities will motivate and develop a love of learning and encourage your child to be curious and try new experiences. They will learn how to question, to think for themselves, and to work successfully with others and be proud of their own and others success.

I believe that the ability to communicate and build good relationships is an essential quality for a happy and fulfilled life. If your child is respected at school, they will respect others; if they are listened to, they will learn to listen, and if they are treated with honesty, thoughtfulness and generosity, I know that they will respond in kind. Pastoral care at Chesham Prep is very important and children in the Senior School quickly build a strong relationship with their form teacher or tutor. In the Senior School each form has a male and female teacher or tutor; we feel this provides a real depth of pastoral care and enables pupils and parents to form strong, productive, trustworthy bonds with one another. At Chesham Prep, our pupils inspire us in our teaching and it is their right and our duty that we should inspire them.

I welcome parents’ (and grandparents’) involvement in all areas of life in the Senior School. Good communications, shared values, respect and understanding between school and home are vital elements in your child’s education, and at Chesham Prep your input will always be valued. We want to work in partnership with parents to see your children thrive.

To encourage communication between parents and staff Chesham Prep have an open email policy that allows direct links to one another. This ensures a very transparent and open relationship between children, parents and the teachers.

I hope to welcome you and your son or daughter to visit us soon, to experience our school’s special atmosphere for yourself.

Mr Martin Cook
Head of Senior School