
Welcome to the Sports Department

Sport forms an important part of life at Chesham Prep School. From Nursery all of our children get to experience a wide variety of different sporting activities through PE and games lessons as well as in a wide variety of clubs.

The ethos of the sports department is very much one that every child be given the opportunity to develop their potential to the very best of their abilities. With this in mind, the children receive coaching from experienced teachers, each with their own fields of expertise. All children get the opportunity to play in competitive matches, through fixtures against other schools from Year 3 and during our House competitions. We have adopted a pupil centred approach, emphasising and encouraging creativity, decision making and self-organisation from within the pupils. Our aim is that all children leave us with a love of sport and a desire to continue participating which will stay with them throughout their life.

School fixtures are the highlight of the week. We run teams at every age group and include as many children as possible in an extensive list of competitive matches against local schools.


Physical Education is an important part of the curriculum at Chesham Prep School. All pupils receive a PE lesson each week where we focus on developing fundamental skills through a broad and enriching programme. Whilst we develop their physical fitness and skill acquisition, we also encourage them to develop their social and mental well-being by challenging them to overcome adversity, work effectively as part of a group and enjoy the spirit of competition. Our PE curriculum includes sports such as Basketball, Lacrosse, Gymnastics and Parkour, Dance, Hockey and Athletics.


Games is an exciting part of what is offered at Chesham Prep School. All pupils from Year 3 – 6 take part in two games lessons a week. For the boys the main sports are Rugby, Football and Cricket whilst the girls compete in Hockey, Netball and Cricket. We endeavour to provide every child with a fixture each week in which they can put the different individual and unit skills they have been developing into practice in a competitive environment. Our approach to games is to provide an environment in which pupils feel that they can be creative and try things and we look to avoid a fear of failure attitude within the pupils. Whilst competition is healthy and teaches them the value of victory and defeat, the learning that can take place within fixtures is more important than the result. Children are encouraged to work together for a common aim as well as developing individual targets. The school has high expectations of all of our children; that they will display excellent levels of courtesy, good manners and a high level of sportsmanship at all times, whilst being good guests or hosts.

Parent support is always welcomed at fixtures and helps to create the encouraging and enthusiastic environment in which the pupils excel.
